Hassl.me was created by
Harry Fear, who was a noughties user of
HassleMe, UK group
MySociety’s lifehack reminding tool. A decade on in 2022 and this tool is still unlike other modern to-do or reminder tools because of its slightly timing-irregular reminders. So Harry coded this replica site in a couple of hours one day in summer 2022.
Someone else apparently had the idea to revive the original HassleMe.co.uk domain, and did so
between December 2021 and March 2022 — however, that site sadly has been monetised to upsell gambling and the actual reminder tool appears not to work at all!
Hassl.me is therefore the only resurrected version of the original MySociety HassleBot, put together in an open-source spirit that
Chris Lightfoot would hopefully have approved of. What's more, it's functional freeware and completely unmonetized, just like the original tool was.
Here's some press for the old HassleBot: